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By: Neil Nepomuceno
UnionBank is continuously finding ways to maximize and optimize the Cloud, that is where AWS Expert and Sr. CFM Architect, Sir Pawan Tiwari, come in to deliver an engaging e-learning session as part of the Bank’s ULAP Guild (Users, Load, Applications and Platforms) programs.
Cloud Cost Management
Sir Pawan introduced AWS’ CFM framework that is focused on how to Manage, optimize and plan costs and usage.
“This framework will help you in reducing your cost and optimizing your workload on the cloud.” In the e-learning session, Sir Pawan introduced the 5 pillars of optimization, namely: Right-sizing instances, Increase Elasticity, Picking the right price model, and Matching usage to the Cloud’s Storage class.
With AWS cloud, UnionBankers will only pay for what they use.
Sir Pawan also detailed AWS’ Measurement and Accountability practices which involves tagging work processes and the automation of AWS account creation, as he explains “You can track all the usage under one account ID.”
“If we have a good account strategy, we can cut our cloud costs without compromising the quality of work in the Cloud.”
The AWS CFM Framework can cover UnionBank’s Cloud Finance needs by providing Project based, Business Unit, and Life cycle account strategies.
Stay tuned for more updates about UnionBank’s Cloud Migration.