4 Tips to Regain Productivity After Vacation
By: Neil Patrick G. Nepomuceno
Everyone needs a vacation at some point. No matter how passionate you are about your work, eventually, you’ll need to unplug and take a complete break.
But what happens when it’s time to return to work? What if you’re still daydreaming about your recent adventures? Here are 5 tips to help you in regaining your productive and efficient self!
It’s important that you organize your workspace before doing your tasks. Whether you’re working from home or on-site, it’s distracting to work when you have a messy working area.
Learn to organize your space by disposing trash properly and cleaning your office desk before you start working.
Use the 5-S Methodology which stands for Sort, Straighten, Shine, Sustain and Standardize. Following this order when organizing your workstation can help you create a clean, well-ordered and disciplined work environment.
Aside from giving your mind and body enough time to rest so you can regain the focus needed to be productive, it is also important to stay hydrated to ensure that you’re 100% ready to take on your tasks!
Fill your water bottle. To help you look forward to this mundane routine, a stylish bottle can bring enjoyment to your day and uplift your mood whenever you reach for a drink. You may also splash your water with a small amount of fruit juice or add chunks of fruit. Try cucumber, lemon, raspberries, or strawberries and experiment with different flavors!
Break down your tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. This approach makes them less intimidating and easier to work on. You may also work on your tasks in batches, prioritizing similar tasks first before moving on to different tasks.
Try the “Eat the Frog” method.
This oddly named productivity hack, is almost universally applicable because it suggests that you should start your day by working on the most difficult task on your to-do list, and then work your way down to the simplest task. The idea is that by doing so, you will find the succeeding tasks easier, making more efficient use of your time and eliminating blockers to your progress.
You may feel like going all-out on accepting and working on different tasks, but to produce high-quality work, you need to stay organized. Stick to your routine, work on tasks at your own pace, and ensure your work tools, gadgets, and essentials are readily accessible. This approach helps maintain focus and efficiency, resulting in better outcomes.
Returning to work after your weekend getaway can be challenging. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you’re not performing well in the first few hours at work. Stay positive and remember these tips that can help you ease your way into regaining your work efficiency.
Take care of your body and mind. A robust to-do list or any kind of digital tracker will not work if you are not physically or mentally present while a work. Always remember that the best ability is availability. Exercise more, be mindful about your mental health and develop a habit of being focused on working at your tasks whenever you are at work.
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